Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Divorce(should we reform laws to make it harder to get a divorce) Research Paper

Divorce(should we reform laws to make it harder to get a divorce) - Research Paper Example However, there seems to be great differences in divorce activities among countries, due to variation in law. Historically, the divorce rate has been low in most of the Muslim countries, probably because of the traditional systems of organized marriages and polygamy. Despite of all these efforts, the divorce rates have soared in most of these countries as Women rebel their culture, and engage in businesses across the globe. There are various reasons attributed to cause divorce, ranging from economic and social factors among others. Over the past one decade, people have blamed economic inflations and recession, infidelity, domestic abuse, unusual close attachment to biological family, communication problems, lifestyle incompatibility, and failure to reach expectations among others. As a result, in the aftermath, it affects the families, children, and the communities, not only in the physical aspects, but also psychologically. Hence those seeking divorce and the law offering it should b e mindful of its negative consequences. Short term outcomes: These effects could develop in the process or immediately after the parents’ separation, probably in first two years. Some could occur and end completely, but others could keep reappearing based on the situations the children are engage in. First of all, there are those kids who feel responsible for their parents divorce, therefore, the guilt they have separates them from their parents, not knowing how to resolve the situation. Normally, the children who are always making their parents argue due to their irresponsibility or violence in their past, get to feel so. Remember the children’s personalities differ; hence as some feel guilty, others develop anger and resentment towards their parents for breaking up (â€Å"Effects of Divorce,† It is good to understand that children have different needs and in the surfacing of a divorce, they fail to understand why the two grown ups cannot resolve their

Monday, February 10, 2020

Religione Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Religione - Essay Example According to Jews, God created world in one day and later all the different species originated from it. They believe that before the creation of world everything was in darkness and void ness. 2) The Great Flood (2349 BCE): The great flood was a key event in Jewish history which wiped out sin from the face of earth. The God created flood in order to eradicate the lawlessness prevailed among people during that time. 3) 10 Commandments Received (1491 BCE: According to Jews the 10 commandments are the essence of the religion. The Jews are supposed to commit themselves to these commandments in order to lead a sin free life. Commandments describe the duties of a person to God and other fellow beings. 4) Israel became monarchy (1095 - 1020BCE): The kingdom of Israel was formed as they conquer the Philistine and form unity with all tribes of the Israel. The monarchy was ruled by great kings like Saul, David and Solo man. 1) Faith and belief in one God and also in Messenger Prophet Mohammed: This is the most important pillar of Islam and only if a person believes and practices it he becomes a true Muslim. The aim of this principle is to convey the essence of life that is to obey and serve God. 2) Praying five times a day: Praying five times a day is a very obligatory rule of Islam. This creates a direct connection between God and worshipper. Prayers are performed during dawn, mid-day, afternoon, sunset and at night, 3) Giving alms to the poor and needy: According to Islam everything in this world belongs to God and money also is held by human as a trustee. Every Muslim therefore has to give in charity a portion of his income or wealth fort the betterment of the society. 4) Fasting and proving one’s faith to God: Every year the Muslim population performs fasting during the month of Ramadan. They abstain from food and water from sunrise to sunset. This is a purification process for body and soul and deepens their faith .in God. a)